Thursday, January 5, 2012

The 20 most common dog mistakes

Have you ever wondered if what you are doing with your dog is helping or hurting your dog's behavior?  Do you have 10 different people telling you 10 different things?  When you look online, can you find information to support just about any of your actions?

Well, I'm going to list the top 20, yes 20 (not an average top 10 list here) mistakes that I see dog owners, and dog trainers make.  This list isn't meant to "live & die" by, rather just an accumulation of mistakes that I have repeatedly seen over many years of participating within the 'dog world.'   These ARE NOT in any particular order and are my opinion only.

#20-  Poor nutrition

#19-  Leash techniques

#18-  Dog psychology vs. human psychology

#17-  Coddling & reinforcing bad behaviors

#16-  Poor timing

#15-  Inconsistent

#14-  Lack of education with training techniques, approaches, and tools

#13-  Lack of exercise

#12-  Introducing corrections too soon

#11-  Improper use of praise

#10-  Improper socialization and confidence building

#9-  Keeping emotions in check

#8-  Improperly sized crate

#7-  Clear communication

#6-  Improper eye contact

#5-  Choosing your next dog by breed, rather than energy level

#4-  "Bridging" the gap

#3-  Humanization.  Your dog is not your child.

#2-  Commitment.  Not following through

#1-  No one ever knows too much to not learn more

Rather than explain each mistake during this post, I'm going to blog each day and explain my reasoning.   I hope you check back and read why I chose what I did.

Happy Training...Ciao`

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